Our Story
It started with a passion for tajweed!
I wanted to tell you the story behind Al Qasas Learning and the journey of how it all started. I am sure you can relate to life turning upside down when we were in our first ever lockdown here in the UK. All my Islamic and Arabic classes moved online and the community work I did was stopped due to the risks. My life certainly changed completely, and I started questioning my purpose in life.
So during Ramadan, I turned to Allah SWT, asking him to show me the way of how I could use the knowledge I had gained to benefit others. Subhanallah an idea popped into my head, all the mosques were closed down and children in my family were not going for their Quran classes. So I spoke to some of my relatives and said I would be happy to teach them tajweed online.
When I was teaching them tajweed I wanted hands-on, engaging and fun resources to help them on their journey of reciting the Quran with tajweed. So I started searching the internet for what I wanted, but after many hours of searching, I couldn’t find what I was looking for. I had another light bulb moment and I thought I could probably make something myself and I produced my very first “5 main makahrij game”, and that is how it all started.
I wouldn’t have been able to continue this journey without your support and encouragement. I absolutely loved the lovely messages and feedback I got from you. And inshallah I pray I continue this journey for a very long time.